GSL Engineering

mashup of a signalling layout drawing and an HR relay circuit

Railway Signal Engineering

We have a life time of experience working on prestigious railway signalling projects, including the Channel Tunnel, the CTRL, several exciting projects for London Underground and Docklands. We have worked on installation, testing, design, integration, installation and contact management. Why not let us help you on your project?

Technical Authorship

All engineers write documents but sometimes they need a little help to write great documents. Please contact us so we can discuss how we can support you...

Engineering Project Management

The skills learned in railway engineering, especially the engineering project management ones, are eminently portable to other industries. We're very happy to discuss your needs.

3D Design and Fabrication

We use the best 3D design tools, slicers and enclosed printers to ensure the highest quality prints. We can scan objects, clean them up in software, then print prototypes for your approval. We have partners who can either bulk 3D print your products and others who can injection mould them.

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